Meet Our Member Start-up Series #3 delivers AI-based Intelligent Document Processing solutions that help insurances and brokers process unstructured documents without the need for data science experts. Based on its approach to natural language understanding, solutions automatically search, extract, compare and classify information more accurately, and provide faster time to value. Join us to meet Francisco Webber and to […]
Meet Our Member Start-up Series #2

Profilo Assicurativo è una piattaforma di consulenza assicurativa full digital che, grazie al proprio algoritmo proprietario, è in grado di elaborare una consulenza assicurativa completa ed evidenziare prima i consigli utili per limitare l’esposizione al rischio del singolo e poi, raccolti quelli di interesse, proporre i prodotti corrispondenti profilo di rischio e capacità di spesa. […]
Meet Our Member Start-up Series #1

Lokky is a new technology platform for the insurance sector that offers tailored products for small entrepreneurs. Designed and built by industry professionals, Lokky adopts new technologies to analyse customer requirements and understand their real insurance needs, automatically identifying the right products to manage business risks. Join us to hear Sauro Mostarda to learn more […]